Adding Other Product IDs

After you finish adding a new product (i.e., a Product Name) and editing its default Product ID, you may need to add other Product IDs to the product. Product IDs can be used for variations of the same product (like size or colour variants).

NOTE: You can also add new Product IDs to your PAYD Pro PlusTM inventory through an inventory import (see Importing Inventory). Product IDs can be added to existing Product Names or as part of a new Product Name.

NOTE: The original product must be assigned to an attribute before another product ID can be added. For help, see Entering Additional Product Information.

To access the IDs tab:

  1. In the PAYD Administration main screen, click the Inventory menu.

  2. On the Inventory menu, under the Product section, click Product List.

  3. In the Product Search Results screen, search for the product to which you wish to add IDs.

  4. Click on the product's name in the list.

  5. In the product's profile, click the IDs tab.

The IDs tab appears.

To add a new Product ID:

  1. On the IDs tab, click the Add New ID button.

A blank Create a New Product popup appears with the General Info tab selected.

  1. In the Product ID textbox, enter the new Product ID (maximum 17 characters).

TIP: To have PAYD Pro Plus generate an ID for you, click the Generate button.

  1. Enter the remaining product ID details following the help in Editing the Default Product ID.

NOTE: Each Product ID added to a Product Name must have a unique attribute combination. If you are not able to assign a unique attribute combination to a new Product ID, you will not be able to save it.

  1. Click the Save button at the bottom of the popup.

  2. Repeat steps 1 - 4 to add new Product IDs as above as necessary.


To close the Product ID Details popup:


To close the Product Details view and return to the Product Search Results screen:

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