Using the Quick Payout

When the payout button on the POS Tools Button Panel is clicked, it launches the Quick Payout function. Quick Payout can be used to account for cash coming out of the till for one specific reason. Typically this reason would be the most common reason to open the cash drawer and manipulate cash amounts. For example, a convenience store that sells lotto tickets  might use the Quick Payout function to pay out lotto winnings to lucky ticket holders.

Follow the instructions below to use the Quick Payout function.

To remove cash from the till using the Quick Payout function:
  1. In the POS view, click the Tools button panel.

  2. Click the "Quick Payout" button.
    NOTE: The button's caption might say something different depending on how it is configured within the Configuration - Settings screen. In our example here, the button has been given the caption "Petty Cash", so the button is called "Petty Cash" on the screen.
    The Payout popup appears. Note the button caption appears in the Reason field.

  3. Key in a dollar amount to be withdrawn from the till in the Amount field.

  4. Key in any notes about the payout into the Notes field.

  5. If the customer desires a transaction receipt, place a checkmark in the Print receipt checkbox, otherwise leave it empty.

  6. Click the OK button.
    The cash drawer opens and the receipt prints (if selected in step 5).

Related Topics:

Configuring Other Merchant Settings

The POS View

The Transactions Button Panel