Editing Attributes

Use the Attributes screen to edit attribute names and values set up in the PAYD Pro PlusTM In-Store Solution.

NOTE: Before editing an attribute, refer to Attributes: Important Points.

To display the Attributes screen:

  1. On the PAYD Administration main screen, click Inventory.

  1. On the Inventory menu,  under the Product heading, click Attributes.

The Attributes screen displays a clickable list of attribute names set up in PAYD Pro Plus.


To edit an attribute's name:

  1. On the attribute list, click the Attribute Name.

Details of the attribute name appear on the Attributes screen with the Attribute Name tab selected.

  1. Edit the English/French textbox as needed. An English name is required.

  2. Click the Save button at the top of the screen to save the name.


To edit an attribute's value:


To add a new value for an attribute:


To delete an attribute's value:

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