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Exporting Reports

PAYD Pro PlusTM provides your business with the ability to export reports to three types of output (in most cases); PDF, Excel or Comma-separated text file.

The results of the Layaways report. In this case, it illustrates the location of the export options.

Exporting Reports to PDF

You can export reports to PDF, which can be emailed, saved to disk, or printed as necessary.

In some cases you need to view the report results before exporting to PDF; in other cases you can enter the report criteria (e.g. date, employees etc.) and export to PDF without viewing. In both cases, the procedure to export to PDF is the same.

To export a report to PDF:

  1. In the report screen, once the results are visible, click the PDF button.
    A file download dialog box appears at the bottom of your browser.

  2. Choose one of the following options:


Exporting Reports to Excel

You can export reports to an Excel spreadsheet, which can be emailed, saved to disk, or printed as necessary.

In some cases you need to view the report results before exporting to Excel; in other cases you can enter the report criteria (e.g. date, employees etc.) and export without viewing. In both cases, the procedure to export to Excel is the same.

NOTE: The Quick Stats Report is not able to be exported to Excel.

To export a report to an Excel file:

  1. In the report screen, once the results are visible, click the Excel button.
    A file download dialog box appears at the bottom of your browser.

  2. Choose one of the following options:


Exporting Reports to a  Comma-separated Text File

You can export reports to a comma-separated text file (CSV), which can be emailed, saved to disk, or printed as necessary.

In some cases you need to view the report results before exporting,; in other cases you can enter the report criteria (e.g. date, employees etc.) and export without viewing. In both cases, the procedure to export to a comma-separated text file is the same.

NOTE: The Quick Stats Report is not able to be exported to a comma-separated text file.

To export a report to an comma-separated text file:

  1. In the report screen, once the results are visible, click the CSV button.
    A file download dialog box appears at the bottom of your browser.

  2. Choose one of the following options:

Related Topics:

The Reports Menu

Creating Report Export Templates

Running Reports

Printing Reports