Quick Stats Report

The Quick Stats report provides a snapshot of key sales statistics for several pre-set time periods. The default time period is Today. See below to run the report and view report results. You can also export the report and print it.

Running the Quick Stats Report

To run the Quick Stats report:

  1. On the PAYD Administration main screen, click Reports.

  2. On the Reports menu, click Store Summary, then click Quick Stats.

  3. Click the View button.

Results for Today appear in the Quick Stats Report results screen.


To narrow results by store (multi-store environment only):

  1. Click the Stores button.

  2. On the Select Store(s) popup, select the checkboxes for the stores you want to include in the report and then click OK (all your stores are selected by default).

  3. Click the View button.


To change your search or narrow results:

  1. Click the Show Options button on the top of the screen.

  2. Use the following options to narrow the results:

NOTE: If you do not have the PAYD Pro PlusTM eCommerce module, this option will not be visible to you.

  The new results are displayed below.


To print report results:


To export the report:


Viewing Quick Stats Report Results

Stats Summary

The Stats Summary section displays sales and refund information for the selected time period:

NOTE: Summary data is obtained from the Sales report and the All Transaction Types report.


Top Sellers

The Top Sellers section lists the quantity sold of the top 10 selling Product IDs for the selected time period. Results are sorted in descending order by Qty Sold.

NOTE: Data is obtained from the Top Sellers report.


Top Customers

The Top Customers section lists number and amount of sales transacted by the top 10 registered customers for the selected time period. Results are sorted in descending order by Total.

NOTE: Data is obtained from the Top Customers report.

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