Viewing Reviews

To access the Reviews screen:

  1. From the PAYD Administration main screen, click the Ecommerce menu.

  2. On the Ecommerce menu, under the Site section, click Reviews.

The reviews are sorted into three tabs: New, Approved and Declined.

Reviews on the New tab have not been approved or declined yet. Reviews on the Approved tab have been previously approved. Reviews on the Declined tab have been previously declined.


To view a review's content:


The review appears, displaying the following information:


Sorting Reviews

Product reviews can be sorted in ascending or descending order in  the Reviews screen by clicking on any of the following column headers:


Viewing Approved or Declined Reviews

Once a review has been approved or rejected, it can be viewed on the corresponding Approved or Declined tabs.

To view approved reviews:

  1. In the Reviews screen, click the Approved tab.

  2. Enter a date range for which you wish to view results in the Starting Date and Ending Date fields.
    Select a time period for which you wish to view results by clicking the Period drop-down menu and selecting a time frame e.g. Last Month.
    NOTE: This date range pertains to the date the review was created by the customer online, not the date it was approved.

  3. Click the Search button.
    Report results appear below.


To view rejected reviews:

  1. In the Reviews screen, click the Declined tab.

  2. Enter a date range for which you wish to view results in the Starting date and Ending date fields.
    Select a time period for which you wish to view results by clicking the Period drop-down menu and selecting a time frame e.g. Last Week.
    NOTE: This date range pertains to the date the review was created by the customer online, not the date it was rejected.

  3. Click the Search button.
    Report results appear below.

Related Topics:

Reviews Overview

Approving and Declining Reviews