Configuring Interface Settings

Use the Interface screen to select your logo and configure other display settings on PAYD Pro Plus. Your logo will appear as a background image on the left pane when this pane is not actively engaged in displaying information (i.e. transactional information during a sale). It is not necessary to display your logo, but it can help to improve customer perception of your business if you have it where they can see it.

 The Configuration - Interface screen.

  1. Tap the Settings button (A white gear icon on a teal button.).

  2. On the main menu, tap Configuration.

  3. In the Configuration screen, tap Interface.

The interface settings screen opens on the right pane.

  1. Select the image file to display as your background image.

NOTE: If you do not wish to display a background image, proceed directly to step 5.  

  1. In the BACKGROUND LOGO section on the right pane, tap Choose.

A popup appears.  

  1. Select the source for your image:

    1. Set the Number Pad settings:

    NOTE: If this feature is disabled, the PAYD Pro Plus Mobile App will utilize the Apple iPad’s own alphanumeric number pad/keyboard for data entry.

    1. Set the Favourite Groups settings:

    1. Set how the system deals with items that are currently not defined in inventory (in the NEW PRODUCTS section).

    2. Tap < Configuration at the top of the right pane to save your work and return to the main Configuration screen.


    Support for the iPad's Display Settings

    The PAYD Pro Plus App supports enlarged text and bold font selections that users can make within the Apple iPad's Settings screen. If a user has enabled the following items within the Settings - Accessibility screen, the display in the PAYD Pro Plus App adjusts accordingly:

           Larger Text - Enable Larger Accessibility Sizes and drag the slider to set the font size you wish to use within the PAYD Pro Plus App and the iPad overall.

           Bold Text - Enable this function to add bolding to the text.  

    Consult the Apple iPad's documentation for instructions on changing these settings.


    Related Topics

    The Configuration Screen