Processing an Independent Refund

Use the independent refund function to process a refund without having to find the original sale in PAYD Pro PlusTM. You will usually process an independent refund when you need to refund a sale that was transacted before you began using PAYD Pro Plus. Independent refunds are accessed through the POS view.

To process an independent refund:

  1. To assign a customer to the refund (optional), click the Anonymous button on the view's header and follow the instructions in Assigning a Customer to a Sale.

  1. On the POS view Transactions button panel, click Independent Refund.

The Independent Refund popup appears.

  1. In the Reason textbox, enter an explanation for why an independent refund was required.

  2. In the Amount textbox, enter the amount of the refund.

  3. Click the appropriate button, depending on the refund method you want to use.

TIP: To cancel the refund and return to the POS view, click the Cancel button at the bottom of the popup.

  1. Complete the refund as you would normally:

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