Editing a Permission Role

Use the Permission Roles screen to edit an existing permission role in the PAYD Pro PlusTM In-Store Solution. A change to a permission role affects all employees assigned to it. To edit a role, you first select the role in the Permission Roles screen and then edit it.

NOTE: Before editing a permission role, see Notes on Permission Roles.

Selecting the Role

To select the permission role you want to edit:

  1. On the PAYD Administration main screen, click Profiles.

  2. On the Profiles menu, under the Employees section, click Permission Roles.

A list of permission roles configured on your PAYD Pro Plus In-Store Solution appears.

  1. On the list, click the Role Name.

The Permission Roles screen displays the role with the General Information tab selected.

  1. Edit the role.


Editing the Role

To change the permission role's name:

  1. Edit the name as necessary.

  2. Click the Save button on the top of the screen.


To change the role's POS permission settings:

  1. Click the POS tab.

  1. For each PAYD Pro Plus In-Store POS view permission you want to change, select a new option from the corresponding Has Permission drop-down list as appropriate using the following guidelines:

  1. Click the Save button on the top of the screen.


To change the role's administration permission settings:

  1. Click the Administration tab.

  1. For each PAYD Administration  permission you want to change, select a new option from the corresponding Has Permission drop-down list using the following guidelines:

  1. Click the Save button on the top of the screen.


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