The Employees Screen

Use the Employees screen to manage employee profiles and employee permissions or privileges. The main purpose of profile management is to maintain IDs and passwords, and to assign employees to an appropriate permission role to give them access to the functions they need to do their job.

NOTE: PAYD Pro PlusTM provides two audit logs related to employee login activity and profile changes: the Login Activity Log and the Employee Profile Change Log.


To display the Employees screen:

  1. On the PAYD Administration main screen, click Profiles.

  2. On the Profiles menu, under the Employees section, click Search.

The view displays a list of all employees defined in PAYD Pro Plus.


Employee Management Functions

From the Employees screen, you can do the following:

NOTE: Depending on your user permissions, some functionality may be disabled or greyed out.

To search employee profiles:

       In the Search textbox at the top of the Employees menu, enter first name, last name or Employee ID and click the Search button ().

       See Searching Employee Profiles for more help.


To view or edit an employee profile:

       On the employee list, click the Employee ID.

       See Viewing Employee Information and Editing an Employee Profile for more help.


To add a new employee profile:

       On the Employees menu, click Add Employee.

       See Adding a New Employee Profile for more help.


To print the list of employees:

       Click the Print () button.


To delete an employee profile:

       See Deleting an Employee Profile.


To manage employee access to PAYD Pro Plus functions:

       On the Employees menu, click Permission Roles.

       See The Permission Roles Screen for more help.


To manage employee access to Multi Location Administration functions (multi-store environment only):

       On the Multi Location Administration Employees menu, click Permission Roles.

       See The Multi Location Permission Roles Screen for more help.

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