Refer to the following guidelines and tips when managing product promotions on your PAYD Pro PlusTM system.
PAYD Pro Plus applies only one promotion to a product at a time. If two or more promotions are concurrently active, the promotion with the higher discount takes precedence.
Product links:
o Category - When you link a product category to a promotion, the promotion applies to all the products that category is assigned to. If you define a specific discount for the category, the discount overrides the promotion's store-wide discount. The store-wide discount still applies to the rest of products in inventory (unless additionally overridden for any other linked categories, or for linked brand names, Product Names or Product IDs).
o Brand Name - When you link a brand name to a promotion, the promotion applies to all products with that brand name. If you define a specific discount for the brand name, the discount overrides the promotion's store-wide discount. The store-wide discount still applies to the rest of products in your inventory (unless additionally overridden for any other linked brand names, or for linked categories, Product Names or Product IDs).
o Product Name - When you link a Product Name to a promotion, the promotion applies to all that Product Name's Product IDs. If you define a specific discount for the Product Name, the discount overrides the promotion's store-wide discount and the discount defined for the Product Name's category (if one exists). The store-wide discount still applies to the rest of products in inventory (unless additionally overridden for any other linked Product Names, brand names or Product IDs).
o Product ID - When you link a Product ID to a promotion, the promotion applies to that specific product variation. If you define a specific discount for the Product ID, the discount overrides the promotion's store-wide discount, the discount defined for the parent Product Name and the discount defined for the Product Name's category (if either exist). The store-wide discount still applies to the rest of the products in inventory (unless overridden for any other linked Product IDs, brand names or Product Names).
Dollar amount discounts can be applied only to linked Products and Product IDs. The reason for this is that dollar amount discounts applied at the store-wide and category levels can result in items being discounted to an amount below the cost price or below $0.00.
Only use the Time range feature in the promotion's General Info tab if you want to limit availability only to a certain time of day, otherwise leave the default All day checkbox checked.
Promotion discounts are applied before any other type of discount. The order in which all PAYD Pro Plus discounts are applied is as follows: (1) Promotion, (2) Pricing group
If the Do not apply Pricing Groups to this promotion checkbox is selected for a promotion on the General Information tab (see Adding a New Promotion), pricing groups assigned to the promotion's products, if any, will not be applied.
When adding or editing a promotion in The Multi-Location Administration main screen, you can select the stores that will carry each specific promotion. Drag a store code from the Available column into the Assigned column. To remove a promotion from a store, drag and drop the store code from the Assigned column into the Available column. To assign a promotion to all stores, click the >> button. To remove a promotion from all stores, click the << button.
To apply a promotion to all products in inventory, set the promotion's Store-Wide Discount as needed and do not link any categories, brand names, Product Names or Product IDs to the promotion.
To apply a promotion to only certain categories, brand names, Product Names or Product IDs, set the promotion's Store-Wide Discount to 0.00%, link the appropriate categories, brand names, Product Names and Product IDs, and define the specific promotional discounts for these (Discount Type and Discount) as needed.
To set up a promotion and temporarily "turn it off," set its Store-Wide Discount and any category or brand name discounts to 0.00%, and any Product Name or Product ID discounts to 0.00% or $0.00. To turn the promotion "on," set the discounts as needed.