Top Sellers Report

The Top Sellers report lists the quantity sold of the top selling Product IDs in your inventory during the specified time period. Results are sorted in descending order by quantity sold. See below to run the report and view report results. You can also export the report and print it.

Running the Top Sellers Report

To run the Top Sellers report:

  1. On the PAYD Administration main screen, click Reports.

  2. On the Reports menu, click Inventory, then click Top Sellers.

The Top Sellers report screen appears.

  1. Specify a time period by entering a Month, Day and Year in the Starting date and Ending date textboxes.

NOTE: The default time period is Today.

  1. Click the View button.

Results appear below.


To narrow results by the number of products:

  1. Click the Show Options button on the top of the screen.

  2. Select how many top selling products to include in the report from the Number of Products drop-down list.

  3. Click the View button.


To select the channels that resulted in the items being top sellers:

  1. Click the Show Options button on the top of the screen.

  2. Click the radio button beside Selected Channel(s) to choose the sales channel type that you wish to see on the report. All prints both eCommerce and POS channels.

NOTE:  In this case, Channels refer to the method by which the sale was conducted. eCommerce indicates an online sale through your eCommerce website. POS indicates a sale made via checking a customer out through the POS view.

NOTE: If you do not have the eCommerce module, you will not see this option on the report.


To narrow results by store (multi-store environment only):

  1. Click the Stores button.

  2. On the Select Store(s) popup, select the checkboxes for the stores you want to include in the report and then click OK (all your stores are selected by default).

  3. Click the View button.


To narrow results to a time of day:

  1. Click the Start of day drop-down menu and select a starting time for the report results.

  2. Click the End of day drop-down menu and select an end time for the report results.

  3. Click the View button.

NOTE: The default setting for this report is the entire day (within the date range selected). To run the report for the entire day, leave the defaults set to Start of day and End of day. It is also possible to see results for specific times of the day. For example, if you wanted to see results between 9am and noon, you would enter a start time of 09:00 and an end time of 12:00. Then if you wanted to see results from 2pm to 5pm you would repeat steps 1-3 selecting a start time of 14:00 and an end time of 17:00. The time frame works on a 24-hour clock.  


To change the time period of the report:


To print report results:


To export the report:


Viewing Top Sellers Report Results

Report results list matching Product IDs as follows, sorted in descending order by Qty Sold: