When a customer is using the Moneris e355 PIN Pad, the Moneris iPP320 PIN Pad, or the Moneris® PAYDTM PIN Pad to pay for their purchase with debit or credit, you can enable tipping prompts to appear on the PAYD PIN Pad.
NOTE: If you change this setting in the PAYD Pro PlusTM Mobile Solution, it affects the setting in the PAYD Pro Plus In-Store Solution as well.
Tap the Settings button ().
On the main menu, tap Configuration.
In the Configuration screen, tap Devices.
To enable tipping prompts on the PIN Pad, in the PIN PAD section, toggle the Enable debit/credit card tipping switch to the right. By default this feature is Disabled (toggled to the left).
Tap <Configuration at the top of the right pane to save your work and return to the main Configuration screen. .
Refer to Merchant and Customer Prompts on the PIN Pad for information on the tipping prompts and how to respond to them.