To void a split tender sale, you must void each payment transaction separately using the same payment method that was used in the original sale. To void a split tender sale, both transactions must be debit or credit.
On the Transactions button panel, click Void/Return.
The Void/Return Sales Search screen appears.
Scan the receipt barcode or enter the Sale ID in the Search textbox and click the Search button ().
The matching sale appears on the screen.
NOTE: For detailed help, see Finding the Original Sale.
Void the sale following the instructions below for integrated merchants or non-integrated merchants.
If your the PAYD Pro PlusTM system is integrated with the Moneris® payment processing solution, you will be processing integrated split tender voids.
On the Void/Return - Sales Search screen, click the sale's Void button.
NOTE: If a sale does not have a Void button, it cannot be voided. If the sale has a Return button, you can process a return instead.
When prompted, click Yes.
The Void Transaction popup appears displaying details of each transaction in the original sale.
On the popup, click the Swipe button of the first transaction you want to void.
Void the transaction as you would normally (for more help, see Voiding a Debit Sale or Voiding a Credit Card Sale).
On the popup, click the Swipe button of the second transaction.
Void the transaction as you would normally (for more help, see Voiding a Debit Sale or Voiding a Credit Card Sale).
The popup closes, the cash drawer opens and a void receipt prints.
NOTE: Your system may behave differently depending on how receipt options were configured. Usually, receipts print after both transactions are approved. If either transaction is declined, a receipt prints upon decline.
If the first void transaction is declined or fails, attempt to process the transaction again in case of input error. If still unsuccessful, cancel the first transaction to cancel the entire split tender void, and refund the customer the entire amount of the sale by processing an independent refund. For more help, see Processing an Independent Refund.
If the first transaction is accepted and completed and the second transaction is declined or fails, re-attempt the second transaction OR cancel it and void or cancel the first transaction in order to cancel the entire split tender void. Then refund the customer the entire amount of the sale by processing an independent refund.
NOTE: If you terminate the void by clicking the Close button before the second transaction is processed and approved, you will be prompted with a confirmation message. You should click No to return to the popup and re-attempt the second transaction OR cancel it and void the first transaction in order to cancel the entire split tender void. If you click Yes, the first void transaction goes through, you are returned to the POS view and the sale is processed as a Partially Voided sale. You will then need to void the Partially Voided sale's second transaction following the normal single tender void procedure. This will also be the case if the connection to the server is lost or the application is closed before the second transaction is processed.
If your PAYD Pro Plus system is not integrated with the Moneris payment processing system, you will need process the two transactions separately on your non-integrated terminal. Once approval is obtained for both transactions, you can process them both on PAYD Pro Plus In-Store POS view. To process the transactions, follow the same steps as an integrated void above, referring to the non-integrated instructions for each applicable payment method.