Setting Invoice Options

Use the Invoicing Options screen to define how invoices behave, what payment types you can accept for outstanding invoices, and define and draft the email text that accompany invoices. Click the Save button at the top of the screen when finished configuring the options.

Configure the options as follows:



       Payment Types


       Customer Reminders

       Invoice Policy

Invoice Options

In the Options section, set the following invoicing options:

       Click inside the Default Number of Days Before The Payment Is Due field and enter a default number of days.

EXAMPLE: If you enter 14 in the field, and you send an email on March 1st, the customer's payment will be due on March 15th.

NOTE: You cannot enter a value of 0.

       Click inside the Email Reply Address field and enter the email address that will appear as the sender for and receive replies from invoices sent to customers.

       Use the Your Email Message HTML text editor to compose a default email message that will go to the customer along with the invoice. For more information, see Using the HTML Text Editor.

       Use the Your Email Closing text editor to compose a default email footer that will go to the customer along with the invoice. This could include links to your social media accounts, business contact info, etc. For more information, see Using the HTML Text Editor.


It is possible to have your business' logo display and print on invoices generated from PAYD Pro Plus, and on the hosted pay page. Follow these instructions to add your logo to the invoice layout.

  1. In the Logo section, click the ellipsis button ().

The Choose File to Upload popup appears.

  1. Browse your computer's hard drive for the image file you wish to use. Once located, click the file name, then click the Open button at the bottom of the popup.

The Invoice Options screen reappears.


To select a different image:
  1. Click the grey trashcan button () to remove the current image.

  2. Follow steps 1 and 2 above to select a new image.

Payment Types

In the Payment Types section, place checkmarks under the payment types you will accept as payment for invoices.

NOTE: The payment types you check off here don't necessarily match the payment types you have defined in the Settings screen. That's because the payment types in the Settings screen are generically called Credit and Debit. PAYD Pro Plus determines the card type entered at the point of sale when the customer enters their payment card on the Moneris PIN Pad.  In the Invoicing Options screen, you have to specify because the cardholder is not present and the card is not being entered on a PIN Pad in person.

NOTE: Only check off the payment types that you accept. If you check off a card type that you do not accept, the customer will not be able to complete the payment. Refer to the "Important Information" email you received from Moneris for a list of payment types you can accept in accordance with your Moneris Merchant Agreement.



Use the Reminders section to define what events trigger an automated email to you, following the guidelines below:

       Do you need a reminder to ship products associated with an invoice? - Click this drop-down menu and select Yes to enable this feature, or No to disable this feature. If you select Yes, the system will send an email to remind you, the merchant, that the invoice has been paid and now the products need to be shipped to the customer.

       How many days in advance do you need the reminder? - Click inside the D field and enter the number of days e.g. 7. This means that if products are ready to ship on March 15th, the email will be sent to you on March 8th.

       Do you want an email reminder of overdue payments for invoices? - Click this drop-down menu and select Yes to enable this feature, or No to disable it. If you select Yes, the system will send you an overdue invoice notification, and ultimately you can choose how to proceed.

       Do you want an email to advise you that an invoice has been paid? - Click this drop-down menu and select Yes to enable this feature, or No to disable it. If you select Yes, the system will send you an email when an invoice is paid.

       Email address where the reminders will be sent - Click inside this field and enter an email address that will receive the various reminders. You can add up to 5 email addresses separated by commas e.g. "[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]".


Customer Reminders

Use this section to determine if customers will receive reminder emails for pending invoices. To enable the system to send a reminder email to customers, click the Email notification for customers of upcoming due invoices drop-down menu and select Yes.

NOTE: The customer will receive the same invoice that was sent originally, but the email will have a subject line informing the customer that payment is due. The email will be sent to the email address entered in the Email address where the reminders will be sent field 7 days before payment is due.


Invoice Policy

Use this section to enter the policy you'd like to enforce for your invoices. For example, your policy might require only exchanges for store credit on invoiced items. Use the English (and/or French) field to enter your store's invoice policy.

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