Viewing Invoice Details

Once an invoice has been created, you can view many details of that invoice. The Invoice Details screen is divided into two tabs: General Info and Transactions.

To view an invoice's details:

  1. Search for the invoice:

a.      From the PAYD Administration main screen, click Invoicing.

b.      On the Invoicing menu, click Invoice List.

c.       On the Invoice List screen, search for the invoice by order ID, by customer name, or by customer ID.

2.      Click on the invoice to view its details.

The Invoice Details screen appears.


Invoice Details Functions

In the Invoice Details screen, you can perform the following tasks:

       resend an invoice to the customer (or send it to them via an alternative method)

       print the invoice

       create a duplicate invoice

       edit the invoice

       view the invoice's schedule

       view invoice notes

       view the invoice's sent history

       delete the invoice

       view the transaction history of the invoice


Send the Invoice Again

You can resend the invoice to the customer again via email or SMS text message.

       To send the invoice to the customer via email:

  1. Click the Email Invoice button.  

  2. In the popup that appears, enter the customer's email address in the Email field. If the Email field is already populated with the customer's email, confirm it is correct.  

  1. Click the Send button at the bottom of the popup.

       To send the invoice via SMS text message:

  1. Click the SMS Invoice button.

  2. In the popup appears, enter the customer's mobile number into the Phone field. If the Phone field is already populated with the customer's mobile phone number, confirm it is correct.

  1. Click the Send button at the bottom of the popup.


Print the Invoice

See Printing an Invoice for more information.


Create a Duplicate Invoice

See Creating a Duplicate Invoice for more information.


Edit the Invoice

See Changing Invoice Details for more information.


View the Invoice Scheduling

At the bottom of the Invoice Details General Info tab, click the Scheduling drop-down. The scheduling section expands to display the Delivery Method, Shipping/Pickup Date, Balance Due Date, and Scheduled Invoice Date.


View Invoice Notes

If notes were added when the invoice was created, you can view invoice notes under the Notes drop-down.


View the Invoice's Sent History

Once an invoice has been sent to a customer, the Sent History section at the bottom of the Invoice Details General Info tab shows the date, time, method (type), and the destination (mobile number or email address) of the invoice.


Delete the Invoice

It is possible to delete an invoice once it has been created.

NOTE: An invoice that has been paid off cannot be deleted. Only pending invoices can be deleted.

To delete the invoice:

  1. In the Invoice Details screen, click the Cancel button at the top of the screen.

A confirmation popup appears.

  1. Click the OK button.

The invoice is deleted and the screen returns to the Invoice List screen. The invoice appears with the Cancelled status.


View the Invoice's Transaction History

The Invoice Details Transactions tab features information about any payments made on the invoice.

The information includes the transaction type and amount, the date & time stamp, the Order ID, the masked card number and entry method, the result (Decline, Approve, or Not completed), and other card processing information.