Modifying eCommerce Orders

Merchants using the PAYD Pro PlusTM eCommerce module are able to use the Transactions screen to make the following modifications to an in-progress order placed through the eCommerce website:

All orders placed through your eCommerce website appear in the Transactions screen.


To locate an eCommerce order to modify:

  1. In the PAYD Administration main screen, click the Transactions button.
    The Transactions screen opens.

  2. Search the order.

  3. View the order details.



To modify the eCommerce order:

  1. Select the item you wish to change in the Order Overview tab of the order details screen.

  2. Make the change as necessary.

  3. Click the Save button at the top of the order details screen.



To void an eCommerce order:

  1. Search the order.

  2. View the order details.

  3. Refer to Voiding a Credit Card Sale for instructions.


To refund an eCommerce order:

  1. Search the order.

  2. View the order details.

  3. Refer to Processing a Credit Card Refund for instructions.

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