Cash-Out Details Report

The Cash-Out Details report shows transaction details for the selected Cash-Out performed on the POS in use. The report is used together with the Cash-Out Totals Report. See below to access the report and view report results.

Accessing the Cash-Out Details Report

To access the Cash-Out Details report:

  1. On the POS view, click the Tools tab.

  2. On the Tools button panel, click Reports.

The Reports popup appears displaying a button for each available report.

  1. Click the Cash-Out Details button.

A report showing transaction details for the last Cash-Out appears.


To view the transaction details for a previous cashout:

The report view is updated to show the transaction details for the selected Cash-Out.


To print the report:


To close the report results screen:


Viewing Cash-Out Details Report Results

The report displays the following:

o       ID - The ID of the transaction

o       Cashier - The name of the employee who performed the transaction

o       Payment Method - The transaction's payment method (Cash, Cheque, or Gift Card)

o       Transaction Type - Sale, Refund, Void, Cashback or Payout

o       Date - The date and time of the transaction (mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss AM/PM)

o       Total - The total $ amount of the transaction

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