Cash-Out Totals Report

The Cash-Out Totals report shows totals by tender type for the selected Cash-Out performed on the POS lane in use. The report is used together with the Cash-Out Details report. See below to access the report and view report results.

If the Cash-Out report status is Not Balanced, you can correct the Cash-Out amount on the report popup (see Adjusting Cash-Out Totals).

Accessing the Cash-Out Totals Report

To access the Cash-Out Totals report:

  1. On the POS view, click the Tools tab.

  1. On the Tools button panel, click Reports.

The Reports popup appears displaying a button for each available report.

  1. Click the Cash-Out Totals button.

A report showing totals for the last Cash-Out appears.

To view the totals for a previous Cash-In/Cash-Out:

o       Select another Cash-Out from the Cash-out drop-down list.

o       Select another Cash-In from the Cash-in drop-down list.

NOTE: The associated Cash-out or Cash-in field is automatically updated to show the associated Cash-In or Cash-Outs. The drop-down lists identify Cash-Ins/Cash-Outs by sequential ID numbers, date and time, and the employee who performed the Cash-In/Cash-Out.

The report view is updated to show the totals for the selected Cash-In/Cash-Out.


To print the report:


To save the report:


To close the report results screen:


Viewing Cash-Out Totals Report Results

The top of report screen displays the following:

o       Balance $ amount

o       Drop-down list identifying the Cash-In or Cash-Out by its sequential ID number, date and time, and the employee who performed the Cash-In/Cash-Out

o       Cash: Opening balance, Received, Refund/Void, Change, Payout, Total

o       Cheque: Opening balance, Received, Refund/Void, Total

o       Gift Card: Opening balance, Received, Refund/Void, Total

Viewing the New Cash-Out Totals Report Results

The Cash-Out Totals report displays the following information:

*NOTE: User-defined Custom Payment Types refer to the payment types that can be defined in the Configuration - Settings screen. When this payment type is used, PAYD Pro Plus treats the payment received like Cash. It shows up on this report by whatever name is defined in the Configuration - Settings screen.


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