Editing Supplier Details

Use the Supplier Search Results screen to edit a supplier's details. Start by finding the customer's record. You can then edit the supplier's general details and notes.

NOTE: For information on viewing the inventory products provided by the supplier (Products tab) and the supplier's purchase orders (Purchase Orders tab), see Viewing Supplier Details.

To display the Supplier Search Results screen:

  1. On the PAYD Administration main screen, click Profiles.

  2. On the Profiles menu, under the Suppliers section, click Search.

A list of your suppliers appears.


Finding the Supplier's Record

To find the supplier's record:

  1. In the Suppliers Search Results screen, find the supplier record by:


  1. On the supplier list, click Supplier Name.

The record appears in the Supplier Details view with the Details tab selected. The supplier's name appears at the top of the view.


Editing Supplier General Details

To edit the supplier's general details:

  1. On the Details tab, edit the fields as necessary, using the guidelines below:

  1. Click the Save button at the top of the profile.


Editing Supplier Notes

To edit the supplier's notes (if any):

  1. Click the Notes tab.

  1. In the Notes textbox, enter notes as required.

  2. Click the Save button at the top of the profile.


Viewing Products Assigned to the Supplier

When you edit a product's Product ID, you have the ability to assign the product to a supplier (see Editing the Default Product ID for instructions).  The Products tab in the supplier's profile enables you to see all the products supplied by that supplier. The list is read-only, which means you cannot edit the contents of the list. By default, the list is sorted numerically by the Product ID.

To create a purchase order for the supplier:

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