Viewing Supplier Details

View summary supplier information in the Suppliers Search Results screen. View supplier details in the Supplier Details screen.

Viewing Summary Supplier Information

To display the Suppliers Search Results screen:

  1. On the PAYD Administration main screen, click Profiles.

  2. On the Profiles menu, under the Suppliers section, click Search.

A list of your suppliers appears.


The supplier list contains the following information for each supplier in your database. The list is sorted in descending order by Email.


To change the list's sort order:


To page through the list:

Viewing Supplier Details

To display a supplier record in the Supplier Details screen:

  1. In the Suppliers Search Results screen, find the supplier record by:


  1. On the supplier list, click the supplier's name in the Supplier Name column.

The record appears in the Supplier Details screen with the Details tab selected. The supplier's name appears at the top of the screen.

Supplier details are displayed in four tabs: Details, Notes, Products and Purchase Orders.

To view supplier details:

The tab displays the following details:

o       Supplier Name - The name of the supplier.

o       Supplier ID - The ID used by PAYD Pro Plus to identify the supplier.

o       Contact - Name of the supplier's contact person.

o       Address - Address at which the supplier is located.

o       City - City of supplier's address.

o       Postal/ZIP Code - Postal or ZIP code of supplier's address.

o       Country - Country of supplier's address.

o       Province/State - Province or state of supplier's address.

o       Phone - Supplier's phone number (with extension if applicable).

o       Fax - Supplier's fax number.

o       Email - Supplier's email address.

o       Web Site - URL of supplier's website (click the Go button to access the site).


To view supplier notes:

The tab displays notes saved with the supplier's record, if any.


To view products in inventory sold by the supplier:

The tab displays a table of all the Product IDs in your inventory that are associated with the supplier.


To view the supplier's purchase orders:

  1. Click the Purchase Orders tab.

The tab displays a list of existing POs associated with the supplier.

  1. On the list, click the ID of the PO whose details you want to view.

Details of the PO appear on the purchase order details popup.

  1. Click the Close button to return to the Purchase Orders tab.

NOTE: For details on creating and managing purchase orders, see Processing Purchase Orders.


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