Creating the Customer Import File

The first step in importing customer data into PAYD Pro PlusTM is to create an import file that meets specific requirements.

NOTE: Based on your PAYD account type, you may encounter a limit to the number of customer profiles that can be imported into the customer database. Once the limit is reached, you will not be able to save additional customer profiles unless previously created profiles are removed from the database to create space for new ones.  For more information on increasing this limit, please visit us at or call us at 1-855-423-PAYD (7293) to upgrade today.

File Format


Data Fields

The table below lists and describes the data fields that can be included in the import file. For each field, the table provides the field name, a description and any applicable constraints. Because the import wizard allows you to map fields as needed, the name and order of the fields in your import file does not matter.

Field Name



Customer ID

Unique value identifying the customer.


Alphanumeric, e.g., C00001.

If you are adding a new customer, you must provide a unique ID. A missing or blank field will produce an error. If you are updating an existing customer's data, the field must contain the exact Customer ID.

First Name

Customer's first name.


Alphanumeric, e.g., Jane.

Last Name

Customer's last name.


Alphanumeric, e.g. Doe.


Customer's email address.

Optional - May be omitted or left blank.

Valid format is [email protected], e.g., [email protected]. Duplicate email addresses will produce an error.


Status of the customer: Active or Inactive. Inactive customers cannot be assigned to a sale.

Optional - May be omitted or left blank.

Valid values are A (Active) and I (Inactive).

Registration Date

Date and time on which the customer was added to your database.

Optional - May be omitted or left blank.

Valid format is mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss AM/PM, e.g., 09/30/09 3:25:10 PM.

If the field is omitted or left blank, PAYD Pro Plus automatically sets the value to today's date/time.

Primary Phone

Customer's primary phone number.


Valid formats are xxxxxxxxxx, xxx-xxx-xxxx, xxx xxx xxxx, e.g., 555-555-5555.


Extension of customer's primary phone number, if any.

Optional - May be omitted or left blank.

Numeric, no spaces, e.g., 123.


Customer's mobile or secondary phone number.

Optional - May be excluded or left blank.

Valid formats are xxxxxxxxxx, xxx-xxx-xxxx, xxx xxx xxxx, e.g., 555-555-5555.

Ext. 2

Extension of customer's secondary phone number, if any.

Optional - May be omitted or left blank.

Numeric, no spaces, e.g., 123.


Customer's fax number.

Optional - May be omitted or left blank.

Valid formats are xxxxxxxxxx, xxx-xxx-xxxx, xxx xxx xxxx, e.g., 555-555-5555.

Company Name

If customer's billing address is a company address, name of company.

Optional - May be omitted or left blank.

Alphanumeric, e.g., A1 Company.

Address 1

First line of customer's billing address.

Optional - May be omitted or left blank.


Address 2

Second line of customer's billing address.

Optional - May be omitted or left blank.



Customer's billing address city.

Optional - May be omitted or left blank.



Customer's billing address province or state.

Optional - May be omitted or left blank.

Valid values are based on Country. Valid formats are full name and 2-digit code, e.g., Ontario, QC.


Customer's billing address country.

Optional - May be omitted or left blank.

Valid formats are full name and 2-digit code, e.g., Canada, US.

Postal/ZIP code

Customer's billing address postal or ZIP code.

Optional - May be omitted or left blank.

Alphanumeric, e.g., M5R 2R7, 98103.

Pricing Group Name

Name of the pricing group customer is assigned to.

Optional - May be omitted or left blank.

Alphanumeric, e.g., Preferred Customer.

If the pricing group does not exist on your system, PAYD Pro Plus automatically adds it with the discount defined in Pricing Group Discount.


Percent discount applied to the retail price of products assigned to Pricing Group Name.

Conditional - Mandatory if Pricing Group Name is new.

Numeric, e.g., 25.

If Pricing Group Name already exists, value is ignored.

Part of mailing list

Indicates whether customer wants to be on your mailing list.

Conditional - May be omitted. If included, must contain a value.

Valid values are Y (Yes) and N (No).

Language of Correspondence

Customer's preferred language of correspondence.

Conditional - May be excluded. If included, must contain a value.

Valid values are EN (English) and FR (French).

xST applicable (%)

Indicates whether or not the tax (HST, GST, PST etc.) is applicable to customers.

Conditional - May be omitted. If included, must contain a value.

Valid values are Y (Yes) and N (No).

Tax Exemption Registration

Tax exemption registration number/ID on tax exemption identity card provided by customer.

Conditional - Mandatory if xST applicable = Y. Otherwise, may be omitted or left blank.


Band Number

Band or registry number on Certificate of Indian Status identity card provided by customer.

Conditional - Mandatory if  xST applicable = Y. Otherwise, may be omitted or left blank.



Customer notes.

Optional - May be omitted or left blank.


Sample Import File

Below is a sample import file. The first row does not contain field names.

"C00005","Roger","Whitaker"," [email protected]","5555555555","","","","","","","","","","","","N","EN","N","","",""

"C00004","Jean","Talon"," [email protected]","5551234567","","","","","","","","","","","","N","","N","",""," Un des meilleures clients!"

"C00003","Jim","James"," [email protected]","5555555555","","","","","","","","","","","","N","","N","","",""

"C00002","Joe","Bloggs"," [email protected]","5555555555","","","","","","123 Main St.",""," Busytown","ON","CA","H0H 0H0","N","","Y","12345","54321",""

"C00001","Jane","Doe"," [email protected]","5555555555","","","","","","456 Boulevard Rd.",""," Busytown","ON","CA","X1X 1X1","Y","","N","","","One of our top customers!"

"C00005","Larry"," Lomax"," [email protected]","5555555555","","","","","","789 Straight Ave.","Apt. 1"," Busytown","ON","CA","Y2Y 2Y2","Y","","N","","",""

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