The Cash-Out Totals report shows totals by tender type for the selected cash-out performed on th .
On the Sale screen, tap the Settings button ().
On the main menu, tap Reports.
The list of reports appear on the right pane.
Tap Cash-Out Totals.
The report results appear in the right pane.
By default, the Cash-Out Totals Summary report displays on the screen. See below for an explanation of the fields.
NOTE: To see reports from previous cash-outs, tap Previous Reports at the top of the right pane, and use the Previous Reports selector to choose a different cash-out. Tap Done when you have selected the report you wish to view.
Sales Summary
● Number of Transactions - The number of transactions being accounted for in the cash-out.
● Gross Sales - The gross dollar amount of sales being accounted for in the cash-out.
● Less Discounts - Any discounts applied to sales being accounted for in the cash-out.
● Less Refunds - The dollar amount of any refunds processed to cash or cheque.
● Net Sales - The amount of Gross Sales less any discounts or refunds.
● Tax - Taxes collected on sales being accounted for in the cash-out.
● Total - The value of net sales plus tax.
● Tips - Any tips given out in cash to staff.
● Cash Rounding - The value of cash rounding (up or down).
● Gift Card Activations - The value of gift card activations paid by cash or cheque.
Tender Summary
● Cash - The total amount of cash used as payment.
● Cash USD - The total amount of US cash used as payment.
● Cheque - The total amount of cheques used as payment.
● Credit Card - The total amount of all credit cards used as payment.
● Debit Card - The total amount of all debit cards used as payment.
● Gift Card Redemption - The total amount of all gift cards redeemed.
● Store Credit - The total amount of all store credit used as payment.
● Total Received - The total amount of all payment types received.
● Outstanding Receivable - The difference between the Total amount (from the Sales Summary section above) and the Total Received amount.
● Total - Total of Total Received minus Outstanding Receivable.
Cash Drawer
● Opening Balance - The total amount of cash counted during the Cash In process.
● Cash Received on Purchases - Total amount of cash collected on transactions processed on this lane within the date range (cash paid less change given).
● Cash Received on Gift Card Activations - Total amount of cash collected on gift card activations processed on this iPad within the date range (cash paid less change given).
● Cash Paid on Refunds - Total amount of cash given back on refunds processed on this iPad within the date range.
● Total Cash Received - Total of Cash Received on Purchases, Cash Received on Gift Card Activations minus Cash Paid on Refunds.
● Cheques Received - Total amount of cheques collected on transactions processed on this iPad within the date range.
● Total Cash and Cheques Received - Total of Total Cash Received and Cheques Received.
● Gross Cash Drawer - Total of Total Cash Received and Cheques Received.
● Payout - Amount of cash that came out of the till as a result of a payout.*
*NOTE: This transaction type is not available within the PAYD Pro Plus App.
● Closing Balance (Expected) - Gross Cash Drawer minus Payout.
● Total Cash in Drawer (Actual) - The result of the cash count recorded during the cash-out process.
● Difference - The difference between the Closing Balance (Expected) and the Total Cash in Drawer (Actual).
Tap the Details button at the top of the screen to access the Cash-Out Totals Details report. See below for an explanation of the fields.
NOTE: To see reports from previous cash-outs, tap Previous Reports at the top of the right pane, and use the Previous Reports selector to choose a different cash-out. Tap Done when you have selected the report you wish to view.
The Cash-Out Details report displays the following information:
● ID - The unique transaction ID assigned by the system at the time of the sale.
● Cashier - The employee who processed the transaction.
● Payment Method - The payment type used in the transaction.
● Transaction Type - The type of transaction processed (Sale or Refund).
● Time - The date/time stamp of the transaction.
● Total - The total dollar amount of the transaction.
The summary section at the bottom shows total quantities and dollar amounts for Sales, Refunds, Corrections*, Payouts* and a grand total.
*NOTE: This transaction type is not available within the PAYD Pro Plus App.