Copying an Existing Website Theme

Once you have created an ecommerce website theme, it is possible to create a copy of it. Creating a copy of a theme enables you to make changes to a copy without affecting the original. The copied theme includes all the same images, Javascript and CSS, widgets and articles used in the source theme.

To copy an existing theme:
  1. From the Ecommerce menu, click the Themes button on the left side of the screen.

  2. In the Ecommerce - Themes screen, click on the name of the theme you wish to copy.

The Themes profile screen opens.

  1. Click the Copy button on the bottom of the profile screen.

A verification popup appears.

  1. Click the Ok button in the verification popup window.

The screen will flicker slightly as the system creates the new theme. The theme's name will be rewritten with a date/time stamp.

  1. Click the Save button on the bottom of the screen.

  2. Edit the theme details as necessary.

The copied theme is given the same name as the source theme, but with an additional date/time stamp in the following format:

Theme Name yyyymmdd_hhmmss


yyyy = year e.g. 2013

mm = month e.g. 02

dd = day e.g. 11

hh = hour e.g. 15 (in a 24 hour clock 15 equals 3pm)

mm = minute e.g. 48

ss = seconds e.g. 32

So an example of a copied theme name might be Winter Savings 20130211_154832 meaning the copy of the Winter Savings theme was created February 11, 2013 at 3:48pm.

Related Topics:

Managing Ecommerce Website Themes

Creating Website Themes

Setting Theme Details

Previewing a Theme

Publishing a Theme

Deleting a Website Theme