Creating Website Themes

Creating the Theme

It is possible to create a single theme, or multiple themes for your ecommerce website. With multiple themes, you can select which one is visible to online customers.

To create a new website theme:
  1. From the PAYD Administration main screen, click the Ecommerce menu.

  2. On the Ecommerce menu, under the Sites section, click Themes.

  3. In the Themes screen, click the New Theme button.

The Themes screen appears.

  1. Enter a name for the theme in the Name field.

  2. Set the theme details using the various options on the Details tab.

  3. When finished, click the Save button at the top of the screen.


Setting a New Theme's Details

Once the theme has been created, use the tabs along the top of the new theme screen to flesh out the design of the ecommerce site.

To set the thematic details of your website:

       click the Details tab at the top of the Themes screen

       refer to Setting Theme Details for more information


To upload a custom CSS file to your website:

       click the Custom CSS tab at the top of the Themes screen

       refer to Uploading a Custom CSS for more information


To populate the image library:

       click the Image Library tab at the top of the Themes screen

       refer to Creating an Image Library for more information


To incorporate Javascript into your website:

       click the Javascript library tab at the top of the Themes screen

       refer to Incorporating Javascript into your Website for more information


To incorporate Widgets into your website:

       click the Widgets tab at the top of the Themes screen

       refer to Adding Widgets to the Website for more information


To incorporate Articles into your website:

       click the Articles tab at the top of the Themes screen

       refer to Creating Ecommerce Website Articles for more information


Related Topics:

Managing Ecommerce Website Themes

Setting Theme Details

Copying an Existing Website Theme

Previewing a Theme

Publishing a Theme

Deleting a Website Theme